How to Set Up a Web Page With Review Tables

Online reviews are essential when information technology comes to building a strong online presence, customer loyalty, and helping potential customers make faster purchasing decisions that directly lead to more online sales.

If you are looking for a complete reviews management solution that will assist you collect more reviews on the website, right now, yous've come to the best blog post. By using the suggested marketing tools you will be able to let your actual customers in simply a few clicks to write reviews on your own website similar to popular review sites. Plus, you will be able to select the best reviews and create a widget that fits perfectly with any website design.

No coding skills are required, nor messy and painful maintenance. All your reviews and testimonials by satisfied customers will be synced in real-fourth dimension with your website.

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  • Collect customer reviews on a website with a reviews platform
    • 1. Place a 'Leave a review' button on whatsoever website
    • 2. Place a floating popover
    • iii. Cosign reviewers
    • 4. Display the collected business reviews on your website, automatically
  • Collect customer reviews on a website with forms widgets
    • five. Embed a feedback form
    • 6. Place a feedback button widget
    • 7. Embed feedback banner
    • 8. Share the link to the reviews form
  • Collect product reviews with the Shopify reviews app
    • nine. Install VerifiedReviews for Shopify
  • FAQs
    • Key Takeaways

Nosotros have 3 ready-to-get solutions to collect reviews at your disposal:

  1. EmbedReviews to collect reviews and show them on your website
  2. EmbedForms to create feedback forms and feedback widgets
  3. VerifiedReviews to collect production reviews on Shopify online stores

Before we dive in any further, hither are a few benefits of displaying social proof on your website:

  • Testimonials brand your products or services seem more credible
  • Positive reviews can encourage new customers to write y'all new reviews
  • Potential customers trust online reviews when making purchases
  • Neat reviews encourage customers to buy in bulk
  • Social proof boosts your SEO efforts and makes y'all the search engine's favorite

Collect client reviews on a website with a reviews platform

EmbedReviews provides unique feedback forms to ask web visitors to leave reviews and increase the number of company reviews, hands. Information technology has a built-in automatic solution for aggregating Google reviews, Yelp reviews, and reviews left on your Facebook page with the option to brandish widgets with positive customer reviews.

1. Place a 'Leave a review' button on any website

To start collecting customer feedback for your website, the EmbedReviews platform allows you to generate and add a 'Exit a review' button anywhere on your website.

By doing this you tin can invite your website visitors to click the button and submit a review for your business or a specific product.

The lawmaking works for any CMS website builder such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, Webflow, PageCloud, Shopify, or Magento.

Here is ours, in action:

Once your spider web visitors click the button, they volition be redirected to a review submission form, where they take the option to select the number of stars (a 5-star rating scale) and write a review for your business or product.

EmbedReviews provides one line of code that will display the button and has an actual pre-congenital link to a review submission class. That'southward it, you exercise non need to maintain any forms on your website.

If you want to style the push button, choose from the numerous design options and brand information technology fit your website layout.

Collect reviews button options

If you demand a detailed walkthrough of how you can utilize this characteristic and showtime collecting reviews on your website, watch the video below:

ii. Place a floating popover

Instead of a button, yous can place a floating popover that will brandish on the bottom or summit of your website.

This will show the latest reviewer and on click opens a popup form where your website visitors tin can easily leave you a review.

To see it in activity, but wait for a popover in the left side corner of our website.

collect reviews in popup widget

three. Cosign reviewers

Reviewer authentication is one of the main concerns when it comes to the relevancy of website reviews. The testimonials placed on the websites, lack say-so, mostly because the sources of their collection are unremarkably non well organized.

By using the EmbedReviews reviews collector form, your reviewers are automatically asked to submit the review by connecting their Facebook account.

authenticate reviews with Facebook login

Please note: You tin can embed this unabridged form on your website if yous do not desire to place a button or a link. Merely use one line of code to display the reviews collector form anywhere on your website.

Past doing this, the words displayed in your testimonials department are sourced by an authentic user, thereby increasing the trust in your business.

4. Brandish the collected business organization reviews on your website, automatically

Past introducing the reviews collector option, the EmbedReviews platform adds up another source for generating your online reviews.

Aslope your Google My Business or Facebook reviews, EmbedReviews will let you to create a specific review feed widget that you can add together to any web page on your website and display the collected reviews automatically.

You can customize your widget past using some of the pre-divers templates or by implementing custom CSS.

Here is an instance:

By doing this, you volition no longer demand to manually update your testimonials section and maintain it. The automation process volition update your business reviews and so y'all don't have to check in over and over again.

EmbedForms is a complete forms architect, that will assistance you create feedback forms and build widgets that will assistance you to collect feedback and reviews on your website. Hither are some of the widgets you can create and collect reviews with:

five. Embed a feedback form

As well collecting reviews on relevant review websites it'south very important to become first-paw feedback on your website.

A feedback form is an like shooting fish in a barrel and useful way to gather thoughts, impressions, and feedback from both loyal and potential customers.

If you want to dig deeper into your customer'due south experience you can simply embed a feedback form on your website and start collecting not just a number of reviews, only more referral and relevant feedback.

List of feedback forms you can re-create correct now:

  • Employee feedback form – Find out how employees feel about the work environment, employee benefits, salary, company culture, and direction.
  • Website feedback grade – Website feedback forms are swell tools that tin can assist you learn a lot virtually how easily your customers navigate your website.
  • Customer satisfaction survey– The customer satisfaction survey can aid you lot to briefly empathize your customers and what they want.
  • Product review template– It provides you lot with a list of questions that will help you get the near accurate information possible from customers most their experience with your production.
  • Testimonial form template– This grade helps y'all instantly get a testimonial from your customers straight on your website.

In that location are many more than feedback forms. You can choose the feedback grade y'all need, embed it on your website, and start gathering that feedback.

6. Identify a feedback push widget

As you already know, any small-scale business organisation even retailers have to stone its reputation direction. Not to just protect the business from scammers just to overrule the scam with positive reviews.

But if you're a decorated business organization profile, yous can choose a unproblematic manner and even so get together customer feedback to aid you improve.

Feedback buttons are a quick and easy mode to hear from your users or learn more than well-nigh their customer experience.

They are unremarkably fastened somewhere that won't carp the user'due south experience just can be still visible to them. You can spot them at the top, on the bottom, or on the side of the page. And when the button is clicked a course pops up and the user tin fill it in right away.

button widget for web forms

Another effective way to collect reviews on your website is to display a floating banner that will appear in the top, the almost prominent position of your website.

This position is very visible and information technology can be effective when asking people to share their feedback and write you a review.

If you use the EmbedForms feedback widgets you volition be able to customize its await, colors, icons, the form it will open, and also the mode you want the grade to announced.

Banner feedback button

If you lot demand to advance the process of collecting reviews, you can use the link to the reviews collection form, share it anywhere you lot want and invite your audience to submit a review.

Here are a few ideas on how to invite your customers to give you a review:

  • Send the link to your direct customers via email
  • Post the link to your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Employ the link in your advertizement, both, online and offline
  • Generate QR codes with the link
  • Brandish the form on a table or any touchscreen in your store, restaurant, or similar

In example you lot are dealing with negative reviews, we have your back! We created a stride-by-step guide on how to handle negative reviews.

Collect production reviews with the Shopify reviews app

Collecting product reviews is very dissimilar than collecting reviews for services. It requires more sophisticated integration with the eCommerce platform that you lot use to sell your products on.

Just there are plenty of eCommerce reviews solutions that will help you to collect reviews for each of your products and prove these reviews beneath each of the products.

9. Install VerifiedReviews for Shopify

If yous are a local business concern owner and you are using the Shopify e-commerce platform to sell your products, become ahead and choose the Verified Reviews app for Shopify.

This app volition help you automatically send review requests, assemble reviews from your current and previous customers, and display the latest reviews in stunning widgets on your Shopify store.

On elevation of this, the app generates a SEO snippet code that will increase the visibility in search engines by displaying average rating stars next to your product metadata in the search results.

With this app, the next time a customer purchases something from your Shopify store, they volition receive a product review invitation in an AMP email format, every bit part of the mail-purchase advice with the customer. They can submit their product and photo reviews within the same email.

Verified reviews amp email by EmbedReviews

The all-time office is that you can import product reviews from other review sites or sales channels like TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Trustpilot, Better Business Agency (BBB), Angie'south List, Square, Manta… yous proper noun information technology.

We encourage Shopify users to requite this app a chance and see how social proof can boost your conversion charge per unit.


You probubly have tons of questions on how to continuously collect reviews, and below nosotros summarized the answers to near of these questions.

How to collect reviews?

In this weblog post, we outlined very specific tools on how to collect reviews on your website. To summarize, here is a list of the about common ways to collect reviews in general:

1. Include a link in your electronic mail signature
2. Send follow-up emails subsequently a purchase is made
iii. Add a widget to your website
4. Run a contest or giveaway
5. Use social media platforms, such every bit Twitter, Google or Facebook
6. Requite discount codes for customers who leave a review
7. Add a call-to-activeness button on your website
8. Embed a review course on your website
9. Host a question and reply session on social media platforms
10. Brand information technology easy for customers to leave a review on your website. The easier it is, the more probable they are to write the review.

How do yous collect positive reviews?

Ane of the most mutual ways to collect positive reviews is to offer customers an incentive in render for their feedback. This could be in the form of a discount or a freebie. Yous could also enter customers into a depict to win a prize if they leave a review.

Another way to collect positive reviews is to merely ask your about satisfied customers for their feedback. This can be done via email, social media, or in person.

What is the best production review site?

In that location are a number of ways to collect product reviews, just the all-time way is to use a production review site where you will list your products, such as Amazon. This volition allow you to get accurate and upward-to-engagement information on products, besides as provide you with a platform to share your ain experiences.

There are a few dissimilar types of production review sites, so it is of import to browse which i would exist the best fit for yous. For example, CNET is a great product review site for tech products, while Good Housekeeping is better suited for dwelling appliances. Whichever route you decide to become, make sure to collect production reviews from a reliable source!

Fundamental Takeaways

Customer reviews are one of the nearly important metrics for e-commerce companies, and client feedback can brand or break your product sales. If you want to take control over how your customers perceive you and so it's fourth dimension to invest in a complete reputation management solution that will help provide more insights into what people think virtually your brand.

EmbedReviews is an affordable platform with a diversity of features like native forms for collecting reviews and options to embed Google reviews with its official API integration. There's no need to depend on platforms that charge large monthly fees just for uploading reviews onto your website.

And if you need interactive widgets to collect feedback on your website, pick EmbedForms, it'due south complimentary and as well has direct integration with EmbedReviews.

Interested to use EmbedReviews to start collecting positive reviews on your website?

If you are a current user just log in to your EmbedReviews account and add the Web drove source.

And if you just landed on our website and desire to become familiar with EmbedReviews, start collecting customer testimonials with our Free Reviews Widget.

Start managing all of your client reviews past signing up today!

If you need more information feel free to reach out to our customer support.

Generate and display social media reviews on website

Try EmbedReviews and embed Google, Facebook or Yelp reviews, forms and badges.

7 days gratis trial · Piece of cake setup · Cancel any time

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